“Aurora Avenue Draws Attention to Art”
by Gabriel Campanario the Seattle Sketcher
March 19, 2010
This empty storefront at 7615 Aurora Avenue N. will burst with new color this spring.
A mural by local artists John Osgood, Zach Bohnenkamp and Kevin “Sensei23” Sullivan will hang in the six large windows, featuring the theme of waking up to a new Aurora — which means dawn in Spanish.
“It’s better than looking at empty space,” said property owner Andy Wang, who hopes the art will prevent graffiti and break-ins and attract new tenants
Cindy Potter, of Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors — one of the groups responsible for the project, said Columbia City did something similar in the 1990s and the locations were rented within a year.
Muralist Osgood said 90 cans of spray paint were used to cover the six 8-by-4-foot wooden panels, which will be unveiled Tuesday.
Judging from my sneak peak, the piece looks as promising as the community effort.
More information at www.gainseattle.com